This workshop is the first time a student copied a small digital image looking at his camera - a picture fresh in his mind just taken on his way to the workshop. I was at a loss to help him because he was almost done before I noticed he was using a camera. My handy empty slide holder would have been too large to apply to his tiny screen. On larger photographs an empty slide holder window moved about the picture often helps to focus on a doable painting. The student's work, I am critical of the method not the student's ability, was a wonderful example of the flaws of low resolution photos. The elements of trees, fog, water were flat within each of their areas.
Using the digital camera as a tool could be more productive. Even copying an image could be a rewarding experience, if he understood that the elements are more individual in color, texture and degree of sharpness than on the camera screen. Interpreting the photo makes it more personal, poetic, and interesting. One way to interpret is to count the number of trees, rocks, clouds. Decide which one or ones you love most. Labor over the ones you love the most. If they are not turning out the way you want, look at the camera image to be refreshed.
Goal number 1 of the workshop is to make a memory of a time you enjoyed painting observing nature with others excited about seeing in new ways. The memory can be framed and hung in your home.
Goal number 2 is to be confident in a technique that will enable more family painting outings in nature. This year I had a group of friends as well as families. Maybe we will get together soon during a costal storm to paint the waves.
For wonderful rewarding first adventures in watercolor the Arches cotton rag 140 pound paper is most important in holding the watery medium. The paper doesn't wrinkle and buckle causing puddles. The paint can be the cheapest student grade. The brushes also are of little importance especially for the youngest who forget instructions and press down hard on the brush as if it were a pencil. The paint looks better on the absorbent Arches paper than the slick student grade papers.
For one of the youngest participants who complete more than 2 on the cotton rag paper, his mother came up with using the commercial single paper towels as a painting surface and the child did a lovely painting of a rainbow trout. This type of towel is more beautiful than the cheap student grade watercolor paper.
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