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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Seal Rock - 60 degrees F.-slight breeze - 10 foot swells

Wishing to correct for the scale of Seal Rocks and the early morning sun light on them, I painted over the on location experience. I think this one was a learning experience.

1 comment:

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

By working on it at home, from memory without photos, I lost some of the movement, I lost in not being in the moment, I spent two days in frustration, and I gained a picture postcard. But most of all I know now what I need to pay attention to when I return. I have to take a higher point of view to expand the distance between reference points. I'll have more room to express the way I feel about the sloshyness of waters twisting and turning as they break and collide. But then next time the atmosphere will be different. I look forward to the experience of the moment.