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Friday, January 25, 2013

COLOR BRIDGES COLLAGE and volumetric color game varIation

Volumetric Color permanent collage
COLOR BRIDGES  (a board game copy right 2013) My game is an amusing way to increase sensitivity to shapes of color and their placement on various color backgrounds.  Color Bridges can also create bonding between players especially as an interactive introduction for abstract artists to connect with their audiences.

The object of the game: Two to four players take turns placing a layer of color shapes on a felt marked with a grid.  The resulting construction can be displayed on the felt as a temporary painting until the next game time. The temporary painting can be disassembled and combined with other pieces to make a new bridge construction. 

Another possibility is making the picture permanent.  The picture can be transferred to various backgrounds.  When a background is chosen, the construction can be glued down in place as a finished work.

Rules:       From the color palette bag the first player selects a laminated game piece and places it on the felt grid.     The next two players do the same leaving at least one grid space between the palette pieces.  Players take turns picking at least four containers from which they will build the bridges between the palettes.

  The suggested rules for proceeding are flexible as long as each player gets equal turns to build.
  In each turn a player adds to a single square adjacent to another filled square.   In the adjacent squares place painted color pieces of paper. The addition must be a color transition.

As soon as one of the players recognizes that the color palette pieces are bridged without a gap, they can make a formal suggestion on their turn. When they suggest the building is complete, the other players can opt to pass or take one turn to change the picture.

The resolution of the game
    The Color Bridge construction on the felt grid can be viewed as a picture on the wall by sandwiching it between the black matt board and Plexiglas secured tightly with the alligator clips.
  To continue to find color surprises flip the secured sandwiched construction on a table with the matt board on top. Remove the clips and matt board and felt so the back of the construction is exposed on top of the Plexiglas.  Place the Mylar on top and affix with clips the felt, and matt board. Flip again so the right side of the construction is again visible.  Remove the clips.  Use the Mylar sheet to transport the construction to any number of backgrounds.

After transporting the construction, the pieces can be glued to a new surface to make a permanent collage or the pieces can be returned to the containers for use in another game.

VOLUMETRIC COLOR is a variation of the Color Bridges Game in which a selected player chooses a felt silhouette and places it on the grid playing board and felt.  Then three color pieces are played per turn with the goal of constructing the appearance of a three dimensional volume.


1 comment:

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

I am afraid my directions are confusing. I'll be working on better directions with assembled game parts to be more inspiring. These games embody what I learned from four years studying painting under Frederich Heidel in the early 60's. During this period some schools I hear didn't teach the technology of painting and I hear artists say they still do not know what they were doing when they make abstracts as students back then. Heidel's teaching valued the intuitive but he also considered painting as a language. He could create problems that we could talk about objectively and still let us experience our own intuitive poetic license.