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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Dragons Express Opposites

This painting is not for sale.
There is the desire to keep a gag on my camel headed dragon and hide my paintings and art treasures. Being public can hurt. There is however a much greater desire to spit out the gag and be a genie sharing the pearl of my creativity.
The whimsy of these dragons were inspired by the smiling camels at Doris Duke's Shangri La. More about my paintings inspired by the museum are in earlier postings.

1 comment:

Rain Trueax said...

I like that. Playful and fun.

I just started up my blog again for now without any partners. Not quite as I'd planned but whatever is... It's at http://rainydaythought.blogspot.com/