A big thrill for me is seeing my grandchildren painting. I let them, once in awhile, use my art materials with the expectation that we will enjoy the fruits of our shared time for years. Art builds happy memories of shared interests. Our latest project is painting the climax of a little league championship game - the Royals versus Giants. The Royals have three on bases and then they hit a ball out of the park. The children have made a story painting and record of every part of the game they like to play. I am sure that other painters have experienced similar rewards painting with their children or grandchildren. But I am feeling stretched thin between blogging and living with family and being an artist this month!!! I need time for grandchildren and time to make and carry out plans with other artists. So this is my last blog for awhile. I plan to start adding to my blog again the third week in October.
1 comment:
Yes, I know! Summers with grandchildren must be attended to and treasured, because soon they will be spending their summers elsewhere. Enjoy your time, and come back and report!
I've enjoyed your art and your poetic stories and titles.
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