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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Peace Rose Series and Architecture

I have not decided if I should include the one of the dragons embracing in the series of Peace Rose interpretations.

The cradled Masonite boxes requiring no frame, pose possibilities as architectural elements in my home. Some would say these boxes have a decorative function. Today I have substituted another large box for the one that became a fantasy of me hugging a dragon after a battle that bloodied our noses. But a heavy one is needed at the bottom of the stacked boxes?

I am pleased with this new way of working all six paintings at the same time together. I would like to continue with more to surround the opening between our dining room and entryway.


Martha Marshall said...

This looks great, both the process and the arranging.

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

Thank you for looking and for your encouraging comment.
Looks almost done? I am making up titles like. "Dancing Peace Petal Dragons" "Peace Rose in Homage of Fredrick Heidel" "Shake,Shake, Shake The Thorns Away" "Dancing Nez-a-nez" Then I am going to write up an artist statement. Do the labels and signage. Make additional pages for my gallery notebook. Then rent a wall at Pegasus Gallery to hang my work in July.

ming said...

love your style! i'm more than impressed! and very inspired!