The morning sunshine back lights Coyote Rock. A mixture of Golden brand matte medium and half water cover thin almost dry applications of watercolor. The medium with a little aggitation from the brush makes the watercolor spread like a mist as in the upper right corner. The underlying texture of the absorbent ground helps create light. The Golden Matte medium attracts yellow jackets as did mineral spirits when I was painting with oils last week.

Watercolor on absorbent ground is intriguing. The light lights are either scratched or added on top. But what I don't like the dulling of the colors that occurs with the varnishing with matte medium.
Interesting, Diane. Especially since you're using these outdoors. So maybe you can allow in advance for the dulling that you know is going to happen?
I still have a couple of quarts of absorbent ground. It's been sitting there waiting for me to try some more experiments with it.
What I like the most about your watercolours is that they are very distinctivly yours. Often people painting in the same medium the same subject matter tend to get quite similar results - maybe due to whatever school they belong to. You work has a feel about it - that it is a style of its own - you style
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