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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Art for making visual memories

My May and June exhibit for the upstairs of the Albany Public Library main branch is

" Collages and Acrylic Paintings for Making Memories".  

While preparing works for the exhibit I had some moments of discovery. My feelings for visual colors, textures, shapes and calligraphic lines are connected to early memories.  Some of these visual memories were enhanced by experiencing different art materials.  

Looking at my 1980 cloth collage, I  noticed how similar it is to the illustrations in a book I saved from my childhood - The Golden Circus, a fuzzy golden book.  Other creative experiences important to my paintings include almost all my deliberate choices from writing letters to choosing what to wear each day or my presentation of every day meals.

 Applique on painted silk completed around 1980 36" x 30"


"Falconer"  2012,  painted paper collage 18" x 14"

The biggest surprise came after I started making labels for my pieces.   I had a hunch that the new work was like some of my old favorites.  Then when I pulled the old work out, I was stunned. I can't believe how similar the color selection, shapes, textures and calligraphy are to works in my other media and early memories like book illustrations.  

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