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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Cactus is a Water Vessel

This 1965 acrylic collage painting on canvas is for sale for $500. 45" x 31" It was painted in Tucson Arizona when we first arrived there and my husband was studying for his Masters Degree in Chemistry. This sequaro reminded me of a painting by Diego Rivera inwhich the cactus was like a hand stretching for water. The sequaro is a vessel of water and I appreciated seeing it swell during the rains.

from observing the sequaro in the dry season and the wet ones too, I can learn to appreciate shapes of vessels and vases and even human gesture.

1 comment:

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

This one is for sale. for more information click on Pegasus Gallery.