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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Sunday, November 11, 2007

# 1 Golden Dragon

"#1 Golden Dragon", 40" x 30" is a two day painting. I painted outdoors in the drippy stage of applying acrylic mixed with transparent matt medium. On the wet surface modeling paste was spread with comb texture. I was sculpting the paint. Over night the painting dried in the garage and then I brought it in the studio just newly arranged for inspiring me to do dragons. I painted on the floor to help me get distance to spread the paint with gusto like I was a child. Today I feel great working in my new direction.

1 comment:

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

As soon as I looked at this post, I felt that this painting is missing something. It is so difficult to stick to a series of doing the same image over and over and over. I could go so much further maybe doing one of my granny paintings of me riding a dragon with a paint brush in my hand as "Rain" and I brain stormed. Question, Is the new series of the same repeated image done by so many marketing artists a product of what the market place demands. Maybe a single image series is not a creative path?