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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Moon Rise at Sunset

All day yesterday I missed painting my daily painting so when evening approached I checked out the moon rise and was so pleased to make a few elementary astronomical observations. Mid December I painted the moon setting at sunrise. The last day of March the sun sets where the moon had in December representing about a 40 degree change in the sunset.


Martha Marshall said...

I like it! I couldn't believe the moon at dusk yesterday. Was it full? It was spectacular.

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

Thanks Martha for looking at my blog. I appreciate very much what you say. I admire and am inspired by your color poetry.
The moon will be full tonight but I don't know if we will see it with the weather system here. Just as I was getting my paints out to paint the moon it had risen and the clouds had started to evaporate. It was briefly spectacular and I felt good to paint quickly to capture it. The four layers of thinned down gesso on Masonite had a tooth that was a luxury to paint.