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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hidden Dragons No More

This one tempts me to make it a happy illustration. Would I then depart from my original goal to make an architectural series? Or can I have both a story and an arch way of painting tiles telling a story? This story is not so meaningful to me personally as the previous one about emerging dragons that I come to embrace. My first intent was to have a fog dragon curling about the Cascade Mountains in Oregon. I could in a book explain about the different manifestations of dragons as described in research sources. But my imagination may be the best direction because I like the next idea of the dragon kissing.

My flaming red eyed one lays down, head turned upside down to blow upward precious dragon kisses. I don't know why he must have a forehead that fools one to think it is the mouth like camafloged animals. Dragons are usually not the hunted ones.
I am painting more for myself. Not for an interior decorator, public art or a book publisher. I will go with my strongest intuition and not be decided entirely by the architectural intention when I first made these press board (masonite) boxes.

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