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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mare's Tail Clouds

I am seeing more and more dragon shapes in nature to begin a new.

Seeing fantastic fancyful clouds was the only thing that saved me from a wasted half day yesterday in our very slow, traffic jamed, start and stop all the way trip from the Portland Airport back home. Mare's tails is what they call them here in the United States. My grandfather second generation living in China translated a story in which the Chinese looked for dragons in the clouds especially during a draught. Seeing a cloud dragon gave the Chinese hope of rain. Yesterday coming home from the airport was the worst traffic I have ever seen in Oregon. There are more and more cars and trucks meaning more people here. The wind has blown the air dirty with dust. Like in China of the ninteenth and early 20th we have cut a high percent of our forests. So too we have draught and see frequent mares tail clouds. The mare tail clouds often look to me like dragons.

1 comment:

Rain Trueax said...

beautiful cloud forms in those photos and we had the same experience last time we drove near Portland. A lot of folks on the freeway going somewhere.