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Documenting a period in my development that could become pivotal

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day Four Painting Riparian Dragons

Looking at this group of three and my photographs, these three are lonely and I have 12 new boxes 12" square and a couple of more ideas from photos and watercolor sketches. These are a little illustrative - the hidden dragons still make them illustrative in my mind. The title of the series could be, "Can you find Dragons; Dragons are a universal in almost all our different ethnic pasts." This is my way of connecting with primal man. I keep thinking of how the bronze craftsmen of ancient times in Luristan cut down their trees to fire their forge and how the riparian tidal waters created atmospheric mists mixing with the fire and the smoke of their forge. Nature took on strange appearances that man could not explain. Working the metals the "Animal Style" artists were aware of geometric repetition in nature and must have noticed the very same reflections that I am seeing in the riparian waters of the Siletz. The open mouth shapes in tree branches, clouds, rocks and derelict snags is awesome to me. Though I don't think the repetition of dragon shapes is God, the ancient craftsmen might have explained this uncanny repetition as one fundamental base for all they knew. Dragons are everywhere in many bodies or invisible reflections. Monotheism rejected the dragons as being empty idols but at one time the dragon's geometry being repetitious may have a part in starting the ritual of looking with awe at nature as means to believing in one God.

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